Sunday, December 28, 2008


At the point where we become completely powerless to help ourselves,
we are forced to surrender our lives to God's control. What happens
from there is totally his call. And if we are uncertain of God's
concern for us, it can be a scary thing. But the truth about God is
that he is good, and he is willing and able to rescue us in our
helplessness and to keep us safe from harm. His deepest desire,
though, is to continue walking with us after the crisis has
passed, guiding us and keeping us day by day so that we need never
face those times of helplessness without him.

Lord Jesus, I'm thankful that you watch over my life.When I
have no place to turn for help, I have you. I always have you.
and you are the best place to turn for help. Thank you
for hearing my cries and for rescuing me. What would
I do without you? you are the one who saves me
when no one else can!

Isaiah 41:13

Mighty God you have delivered me from situations for which
I had no answers or resources. You are the one who helps the
helpless. Please teach me to wait on you when I don't know
what to do. Remind me in my helplessness that you will
always open up the path before me and help me see it and
walk on it. And best of all, you always walk with me.
I give you praised In Jesus' name. Amen

Thursday, December 18, 2008

He Loves The unloved

Our greatest emotional need is to feel loved, and God's desire is that our human
relationships be characterized by his love. Unfortunately life doesn't always happen that way. God's love is good news, however, especially to the unloved, for he has a special place in his heart for those who have been left alone on the outside
of human love. When we feel unloved, he reaches into our lives with parental affection and compassion, assuring us with his own loving presence that we need never walk alone
in this world.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

God's Walk With Us

Our moments and days and years are in God's hands, and he will not lose one of them.
As we entrust ourselves completely to him, more and more we lose the fear of the
future, and especially the fear of death.
Death may still wound our hearts, but it can never destroy our faith or banish our hope. For we know beyond a doubt that God's great love has found us,
has granted us an eternal home, and will never leave us to walk alone
through any part of our journey.
To the end of our days, our God walks with us.

Monday, December 15, 2008

What Faith Sees

(Jesus said,) " If you have faith and don't doubt, I promise that you can do what I did to this tree. And you will be able to do even more. You can tell this mountain to get up and jump into the sea,and it will." MATTHEW 21;21 CEV

Faith help you see more than you think you can. Faith makes you a visionary. it puts concepts and precepts in your mind by which you can build your life beyond what you thought possible. Faith enables you to look farther than you can see and see more than you thought you could.

By faith, Thomas Edison saw light in the darkness. By faith, the Wright brothers saw a way humans to fly. By faith, Martin Luther King Jr. saw a road to freedom and equality that was hidden to others. By faith, you stare up the steps until you have courage to step up the stairs.
What you see in your mind and heart is what you get in your life.

I have been crucified with Christ;
and it is no longer I who live,
lives in me; but Christ lives
in me; and the life which I now
live in the flesh I live by faith
in the Son of God , who loved me
and gave himself up for me.

Head Over Heels In Love

Jesus answered: love the Lord your God with all your heart,soul and mind. This is the first and most important commandments.MATTHEW 22:37-38 CEV

You love God because of his infinite goodness in your life. You love God because he is your Father and you are his child. You love Him because he created you and has meaningful plan for your life. You love God because he first loved you.

Legend has it that wealthy merchant heard a great deal about Paul. The merchant went to Rome to visit Paul in prison. Timothy arranged it, and the man spent several hours with Paul. Outside the cell, as he was leaving,the man asked Timothy, "What's the secret of this man's power?" Timothy smiled and said, "Paul's in love.'

when you know how you mean to God, you fall head over heels in love with God.

No eye has seen,nor ear heard,
nor the human heart conceived
What God has prepared for those
who love him. CORINTHIANS 2:9 NRSV