May he grant you according to your heart's
desire and fulfill all your purpose.
The greatest thing anybody has ever said about David is that he had a heart for God.
His heart was commitment to God and filled with love for him. God ruled David's life from his heart. When David wanted to know what to do, he listened to his heart. When David wanted to feel close to God, he looked inside his heart.
Make your heart a place for God. Fill it to full and running over with God's love for
you and God's will for you. Invite God into your heart and direct your steps as inspire your life. You can have a heart for God; a heart is where God belongs, where he will always find a home.
If you acknowledge and confess with your lips
that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe
(adhere to, trust in and rely on the truth)
that God raised him from the dead you will saved.
Dear God come into my heart and make it your home.
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